External Health Links
Information for your health from trusted sites

RACGP Home Care Advice
A guide, action plan, and symptom diary for COVID patients by the Royal Australian College of GPs.

Australian Government Resources
This site has fact sheets and information on what to do when feeling unwell, isolation, travel, social distancing, and public gatherings.

HealthDirect: What to Do if You Test Positive
Information and advice to help keep you and your loved ones safe.

Australian Government Alerts
Go here to stay updated on specific health alerts.

Queensland Government Updates
Similar advice to the Australian Government, but closer to home – take the test to see if you are at risk!

GPs Can
A great up-to-date blog, with information about simple measures, school and workplace strategies. While you are there, this website has some stories about all the great work GPs do in Australia!
Maternity Matters
Dr Wendy Burton is a GP in Brisbane. She shares an interest in antenatal and postnatal care (before and after your pregnancy). Have a look at her website for some great information.
Jean Hailes
This Australian organisation is helping to improve knowledge about women’s health for women and health professionals. Go here for information on menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, and vulval irritation.
Endometriosis Association QLD
This is a great site promoting awareness and offering support for those with endometriosis. It offers a program called Endosister where you can request a mentor – someone to help you live with endometriosis.
Centre of Perinatal Excellence
COPE is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems surrounding pregnancy. Their website contains an abundance of helpful advice for anyone embarking on the journey into parenthood.
Andrology Australia
Healthy Male is the name of this site. It focuses on reproductive disorders specific to men, including infertility, Klinefelter syndrome, and prostate problems.
Mental Health
Movember is a charity that raises funds and promotes awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. There are some great links here to more information on mental health for men.
Health Map
Daily tracking of outbreaks of infectious disease around the world, including Queensland!
Smart Traveller
Are you ready to travel? Do you have insurance? Do you know about specific health risks in foreign countries? Head to this Australian government website for more information.
Royal Children's Hospital
Kids Health Info Factsheets, as well as quality up to date information for parents and carers.
Raising Children
This website contains a wealth of knowledge – from pregnancy until they’re grown ups – all about parenting.
Children's Health Queensland
This site includes information about services in Queensland, factsheets for families, and information for health professionals.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is an Australian medical research institute dedicated to researching mental health for all ages.
Head to Health
Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, phone services, and digital information resources to help you manage your mental health.