2020 brought a new challenge for the Gundy Muster committee, organising our biennial conference with consideration to the changing restrictions to protect against the spread of COVID. The committee were committed to making sure the show would go on and did so by turning to a ‘virtual’ event. In partnership with the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland (RDAQ), Darling Downs and West Morton Primary Health Network (DDWMPHN), General Practice Training Queensland (GPTQ) and Sullivan & Nicolaides Pathology we were able to offer an afternoon of education and networking, while also showcasing some of the local produce Goondiwindi has to offer with our goodies packs the delegates were sent.
Professor Ruth Stewart gave the keynote address sharing some of the ‘Ancient Wisdoms’ she has learnt over her career, the RDAQ Rural Health Forum offered a platform to discuss some of the pertinent issues of rural health and Dr Sheila Cook offered her expertise in an engaging session- Making Sense of Diabetes Management.
The committee believe that the event wouldn’t be a Muster without the networking component, and despite being ‘virtual’, there was plenty of opportunities to meet and chat with other delegates with sessions such as Mixing it Up and Chat Roulette.
The evolving COVID situation forced the committee to explore other options to bring the Muster to our delegates and has opened new horizons for future Musters. We look forward to catching up again in 2022!