The 8th biennial Gundy Medical Muster took place in September 2022.
Once again staff of the Goondiwindi Medical Centre along with family and friends put on a very successful weekend of education, networking and promotion of rural health careers.
With support from major sponsors GPTQ and the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, 12 expert speakers presented updates and panel discussions around the theme “Ancient Wisdoms, Modern Ways”.

Topics included autism, robotic surgery, fertility, diabetes and valvular heart disease.
Sessions and discussion panels were led by local GPs, with expert input form specialists, and most importantly people with lived experience. Having local people with personal experience of the conditions being discussed has always been an important part of the Gundy Medical Muster, and again the generosity of locals in educating our healthcare workers in this way was one of the highlights. We have much to learn from our patients. The highlight for all was the Gundy Muster Dinner under the big marquee, with special guests Tim and Judy Sharp telling us all their extraordinary story of living with autism, and we mean really living!

In return some of our visiting specialists donated more of their time providing educational sessions to community members alongside the conference.
Our next Gundy Medical Muster is scheduled for September 2024, and planning is already underway.