Staff from Goondiwindi Medical Centre, in collaboration with Hunter New England Health have been providing an outreach service to the community of Boggabilla since 2012. It has gone from strength to strength, and the doctors clinic (supported by a chronic disease nurse from GMC) has grown from half a day a fortnight, to a day and a half a week.
We have worked with the community to determine what services would be useful, and tried to grow the service to make sure it suited the needs of the community. We have also collaborated with Sullivan and Nicolaides to provide an outreach phlebotomy service for 1 hour during the Doctors clinic each Tuesday.
In 2019, we began a wonderful collaboration with the Boggabilla Central School whereby we visit the school each term with a team of doctors, nurses and aboriginal health workers to provide comprehensive health checks for the students, and also allocate 3 appointments each Tuesday for the students from the school that can either be booked by parents, or school staff members.